Sunday, August 24, 2008

How to learn Kana

So up until now I didn't tell you how to learn Kana (Hiragana and Katakana, the syllabic alphabets). In most books you will find a table of all the characters on the first page and you are left alone with it. Lazy people like me can't just learn a table like that by heart, omg! Luckily, there's a fun way of doing it: Power Japanese!

It's an old piece of software which helps you learning the Kana alphabets, some vocabulary and the first pieces of grammar in a fun, entertaining way! This may sound like an ad, but just google it! It has numerous great reviews and is widely used, since it's really really good :)
It's available here.

Everytime you learn a new character, you should write it down at least 10 times, in the correct stroke order of course! Also once you know a bunch, try to read some Japanese text from time to time, you will recognize many of the Kanas! If you're unsure which Kana means what, use the Kanji Converter to translate them to romaji.

Have fun!

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